MEDIA UPDATE Holy Thursday, April 9, 2020 For Immediate Release Contact: C. J. Doyle friendsofthesbc@gmail FOSBC IN THE NEWS ON CATHOLIC HOSPITAL ACQUISITION New Hampshire Attorney General Gordan J. MacDonald's Office has been seeking public comments on the proposed acquisition of Manchester's Catholic Medical Center by Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health, the Granite State's major perpetrator of abortions. The Attorney General must determine, under the so-called neutral principles of charitable trusts law, if the acquisition will affect the ability of Catholic Medical Center to continue its foundational charitable mission, and that the CMC board will still be able to properly discharge its fiduciary responsibilities. In 2010, the Attorney General's Office vetoed a previous attempted takeover of CMC on this very basis. Yesterday, April 8th, was the deadline for public comments to the Attorney General's Charitable Trusts Unit. Today, The Rochester Voice, billed as New Hampshire's fastest growing on-line newspaper, published, in its entirety, the letter from the Friends of Saint Benedict Center to the Attorney General's Office, opposing the acquisition. Comments are closed.