For the third time in two decades, the troubled, scandal plagued Diocese of Manchester is attempting to merge New Hampshire's only Catholic hospital with a secular hospital system deeply embedded in the Culture of Death.
The diocese wants to combine Manchester's Catholic Medical Center with Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health, one of the Granite State's leading perpetrators of elective and "therapeutic" abortions. Dartmouth-Hitchcock performs both surgical and chemical abortions. It also dispenses abortifacient contraceptives, including so-called emergency contraception (Plan B), and, by its own admission, trains physicians in abortion procedures, as part of its "ob-gyn kind of curriculum."
Some years ago, it reportedly billed itself as New Hampshire's foremost "abortion provider." The hospital's website offers a link to the National Abortion Federation---the trade association of the abortion industry. Dartmouth-Hitchcock performs direct sterilizations, and does pre-natal genetic testing, which is intended to detect fetal abnormalities, like Down Syndrome, so as to facilitate the decision to procure an abortion. It also carries out in vitro fertilizations. Recently, it has begun surgical referrals and hormonal therapy for "gender reassignment."
Pro-life organizations are also concerned about end of life issues and the conscience rights of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health employees. A Catholic nurse was fired by DHH after objecting to the removal of a feeding tube from a patient. Doctors who decline to perform abortions at DHH are required to make abortion referrals.
Under the proposed merger, the CEO of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health would lead the combined entity, and DHH representatives would constitute a three fifths majority on the corporate board.
The origins of the Catholic Medical Center in Manchester extends to the foundation of Sacred Heart Hospital by the Sisters of Mercy in 1892, and the opening of Notre Dame Hospital by the the Sisters of Charity of Saint Hyacinth in 1894.
This proposed merger, which is firmly opposed by New Hampshire Right to Life, would place in jeopardy a century and a quarter of Catholic health care in the State of New Hampshire. Despite claims by the Diocese of Manchester that the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services of the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops would still apply at Catholic Medical Center, the combined entity would be controlled by forces which are militantly anti-life, and which disdain and reject Catholic medical ethics. Even if abortions and other immoral practises were not performed on site, their referral would now be easily arranged.
The merger must be approved by the Charitable Trusts Unit of the New Hampshire Department of Justice. While the state Attorney General cannot be expected, as part of his official duties, to defend Catholic moral teachings, he does have an obligation, under the "neutral principles" governing charitable trusts, to ensure the "duty of obedience" by charitable organizations to their foundational purpose and mission. This is what helped stop the previous merger attempt in 2010.
The Friends of Saint Benedict Center are asking pro-life Catholics to do two things:
(1) Please contact the New Hampshire Charitable Trusts Unit and urge them to reject the merger. You can reach the Unit by email at [email protected], or by telephone at (603) 271-3591, or by mail at Charitable Trusts Unit, Department of Justice, 33 Capitol Street, Concord, NH 03301.
(2) Please make a donation today to help the pro-life Saint Benedict Center defend itself from the unjust persecution it is suffering at the hands of the same diocese which is failing in its duty to protect the right to life in Catholic health care.
The Saint Benedict Center is integrally and authentically pro-life. It believes, unequivocally, in the sanctity and dignity of innocent human life, and its legal protection, from conception to natural death. The Center adheres, resolutely, to Church teaching that "abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes."
The Center has gathered around it large, traditional Catholic families who are open to life. Unlike so many Catholic organizations, it has always supported Humanae Vitae. Unlike so many Catholic institutions, it has never provided awards, honors or platforms to proponents of the Culture of Death.
The Saint Benedict Center is, in belief and in practice, and in Faith and in culture, genuinely pro-life.
Please help them today!