The Friends of Saint Benedict Center today are applauding the courageous decision of Michael Voris and to publicly defend the Saint Benedict Center in Richmond, New Hampshire---a religious community of faithful Catholics struggling to preserve their traditional apostolate in the face of heavy handed attempts by the troubled Diocese of Manchester to suppress them and to close down their beloved Immaculate Heart of Mary School.
In a series of four episodes of “The Vortex,” beginning on Thursday, April 11th, and continuing through Tuesday of Holy Week, April 16th, Voris provided comprehensive coverage of the unjust persecution which the members and supporters of the Saint Benedict Center have been forced to endure at the hands of diocesan bureaucrats in Manchester.
In the first Vortex on April 11th, Voris offered a vigorous defense of the necessity of the Catholic Faith for salvation, embodied in the traditional and thrice defined dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus---Outside the Church there is no salvation.
Voris, in the second episode on April 12th, gave his viewers a thoughtful presentation on the life and work of the late Father Leonard Feeney, debunking many of the myths associated with that heroic priest.
On April 15th, Voris interviewed Brother Andre Marie, Prior of the Saint Benedict Center, who told of the devastating trauma which diocesan decrees have inflicted not only upon the Brothers and Sisters of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but upon the parents, teachers and students of Immaculate Heart of Mary School. Poignantly, Brother Andre spoke of the open door of the empty tabernacle in their chapel, after the diocese forbade them from keeping the Blessed Sacrament there.
In the same episode, Voris also interviewed C. J. Doyle of the Friends of Saint Benedict Center, who raised the question of why, at a time of so much scandal, dissent and corruption in the Church, is the Diocese of Manchester targeting for destruction a group of innocent, unoffending traditional Catholics who are bringing souls into the Church. Doyle also recounted the troubled history of the scandal plagued Manchester diocese.
In a separate segment, Voris gave his viewers the opportunity to watch the entire interview with Brother Andre, who gave a forthright and detailed narrative on the history of the Center, its doctrinal position, and its relationship with the hierarchy.
In the final episode on April 16th, Voris offered his viewers the simple testimony of the Brothers and Sisters of Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, all of whom spoke of their desire to serve Our Lord and Our Lady by saving souls.
C. J. Doyle, spokesman for the Friends of Saint Benedict Center, made the following comment: “Michael Voris is not only to be commended for possessing the theological virtue of Faith, but for possessing, in abundance, and acting upon, the cardinal virtues of fortitude and justice. At a time when Church bureaucrats combine with the secular media and the anti-Christian bigots of the Southern Poverty Law Center to destroy a community of traditional Catholics, it is heartening and encouraging that a Catholic media voice with the range, influence and unquestioned orthodoxy of ChurchMilitant is willing to counter callous lies with a vigorous defense of the truth.”
“The Friends of Saint Benedict Center wish to extend their profound gratitude to Michael Voris and to the entire staff of”
The Friends of Saint Benedict Center is an organization of concerned lay Catholics who have come together to provide moral and material support for the Brothers and Sisters of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to advocate for them in the public square, and to oppose the unjust attempts by the Diocese of Manchester to suppress them and their apostolate.
If you wish to support the Saint Benedict Center in their valiant struggle to continue their apostolate, please click HERE.